When it comes to dental restoration in children, our pediatric dentists are experts at preserving teeth so they can maintain their function and esthetics while protecting the structure of your child’s mouth.
Our composite resin fillings are designed to blend in with your child’s natural teeth, so they can smile with confidence. Plus, white fillings are more durable than traditional metal fillings, so you can rest assured that your child’s smile will stay looking its best for years to come.
Our team of friendly, competent dental professionals will always try to save and preserve each patient’s natural teeth. In the event a tooth must be removed, our skilled dentists will make the process quick and painless. We use the latest technology to ensure that your child’s experience is as comfortable as possible.
A pediatric crown is a dental restoration that can help your child avoid multiple treatments as their primary teeth develop. Our long-term restorations are perfect for damaged or decayed teeth, and can help your child smile with confidence.
A baby root canal is one of the most common types of nerve treatments for a primary tooth. This treatment is necessary when a cavity in a baby tooth reaches down to the nerve. During a baby root canal, the affected part of the nerve is removed and a medicament is placed over the remaining surface. If your child needs this treatment, you can rest assured that our skilled team will take excellent care of them!
Our Tongue-Tie Treatment is a quick and easy solution that can help improve your child’s quality of life. If your child is experiencing any of the following, then you might benefit from our treatment: difficulty breastfeeding, speech impediments, difficulty eating certain foods.
Laughing gas is a safe and effective sedative. It is often used to relax the patient, placing them into a deeply relaxed state, where they are aware, yet not asleep. Laughing gas can help to make your procedure more comfortable and less stressful.
Make your child’s dental procedure easier, relaxing, and pain-free with our pediatric sedation dentistry in Bethesda and Chevy Chase. Schedule appointment today!